Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm feeling a little kinky

...and by kinky, I mean the kind of kinky you get after a hard workout or sleeping funny. And when that happens, I turn to my favorite home gym accessory: my foam roller.

Seriously. Who knew an inexpensive, hard, cylinder piece of foam could be your chiropractor and your massage therapist all one? And the best part? You don't have to shave your legs before your visit. ;-)

Here is a picture of my foam roller. You use it by placing it on the ground and using your own body weight to apply pressure and massage your muscles from head to toe. It is great for warming up before a workout, cooling down after a workout, working out some knots, and increasing flexibility.

I think a video will give you a better idea so check out this clip and then pick up a foam roller at your local sporting goods store or order one online. 

It hurts so good.


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